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Flag of Papua New Guinea
Papua New Guinea
Country Main Image Credits
Tomas Sykora /

Holidays & Observances in Papua New Guinea

Papua New Guinea is an island country in the pacific. It has been occupied by many countries, most recently Australia. The Europeans occupied different parts of the country at different times, bringing with them their western lifestyle and Christian religion. Despite colonial influence, Papua New Guinea has managed to maintain most of its original personality. It is broken up into a large number of cultural groups speaking over 700 different languages. Christianity has had a great influence on the country, now claiming most of the population, but many people still honor their indigenous beliefs in some way. Because it is so diverse, the celebrations in Papua New Guinea are not celebrated in any one way. Each group of people celebrates differently.


Country Observances

Holiday Date Country Holiday Observance Type Religion/Belief
Independence Day Papua New Guinea Public
Christmas Eve Religious/Beliefs, Popular Christianity
Christmas Public, Religious/Beliefs, Popular Christianity
Boxing Day - St. Stephen's Day Religious/Beliefs Christianity
New Years Eve Popular
New Year's Day Popular
International Women's Day Popular
Good Friday Religious/Beliefs Christianity
Holy Saturday Religious/Beliefs Christianity
Easter Religious/Beliefs, Popular Christianity