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Flag of Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka
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SurangaSL /

Holidays & Observances in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is an island country just off the coast of India. It is an ethnically and religiously diverse country with strong ties to tradition. Historically, Buddhism was the religion of Sri Lanka, and it is still to this day the official religion and the most commonly practiced, but there are small percentages of Hindus, Muslims, and Christians. There are not many official holidays celebrated, but holidays of every religion are important and openly celebrated. Buddhists holidays are the most important, and are recognized by the government. Businesses and schools are closed on Buddhist holidays and on every full moon, as full moons are considered holy.


Country Observances

Holiday Date Country Holiday Observance Type Religion/Belief
Diwali Religious/Beliefs Hinduism
National Tree Planting Day - Sri Lanka Noteworthy
New Years Eve Popular
New Year's Day Popular
Independence Day Sri Lanka Public
Maha Shivaratri Religious/Beliefs Hinduism
Ramadan Begins Religious/Beliefs Islam / Muslim
International Women's Day Popular
Laylat Al-Qadr Religious/Beliefs Islam / Muslim
Easter Religious/Beliefs, Popular Christianity
Easter Monday Religious/Beliefs Christianity