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Purim is a Jewish holiday celebrated on the 14th day of the Hebrew month Adar. It celebrates the Jewish people being saved from death by the Persian Empire. The Persian King Ahasuerus’s vizier, Haman planned to kill all the Jews in the empire. They were saved by a man named Mordecai and his niece, Esther, who was married to the king.

There are four traditions the people try to follow on this day.

The first is reading the Book of Esther, which is usually done in a synagogue the evening prior to Purim.

The second is giving food to friends and family.

The third is giving charity to the poor.

The fourth is eating a meal in celebration.


Other traditions include using noisemakers to drown out the sound of Haman’s name during readings of the Book of Esther, and dressing up in masks and costumes. Triangular pastries called Hamantaschen are a traditional meal made for Purim.