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Choose Happiness Day: Embracing Happiness as a Choice

Choose Happiness Day: Embracing Happiness as a Choice
Body First

Happiness is a state of mind, and a journey that we embark on every single day. We can choose to celebrate this powerful decision to embrace joy, optimism, and contentment. Choose Happiness Day is a reminder to make this choice regardless of your life circumstances or challenges. 

Inspirational Holiday - Choose Happiness Day - September 5th

Sometimes inspiration comes from unexpected places, though, my children and the way they have inspired me, has never been unexpected! This day was inspired by my middle son who changed his life by choosing happiness. 

The Power of Choosing Happiness

Happiness isn't a destination we strive to reach; it's a path we choose to walk every day. This choice involves adopting a positive mindset, regardless of the circumstances we face.

Some of the Benefits of Choosing Happiness: 

  • Studies have shown that happy people tend to be healthier, live longer, and experience fewer health problems.
  • Happy individuals are better equipped to cope with challenges, adapt to change, and bounce back from setbacks.
  • Happiness can strengthen relationships and make interactions more positive and fulfilling.
  • Happy people tend to be more creative, innovative, and productive in their personal and professional lives.
  • Choosing happiness leads to an overall sense of fulfillment and life satisfaction.

Celebrate 'Choose Happiness Day'

September 5th, designated as 'Choose Happiness Day,' is a perfect time to reflect on the importance of this choice and start a journey to make the choice of happiness. 

Choose Happiness by: 

  1. Practicing Gratitude

  2. Seek Joy in Every Moment

  3. Surround Yourself with Positivity

  4. Perform Random Acts of Kindness

  5. Take Breaks and Regenerate

  6. Practice Mindfulness

  7. Use Positive Self-Talk and Remind Yourself to Choose to Be Happy

  8. Celebrate with Loved Ones and Spread Happiness

  9. Reflect and Set Goals Challenging Yourself to Practice Mindful Happy Choices

  10. Foster Resilience and Strengthen Your Happy Mindset

Incorporate 'Choose Happiness' into Your Daily Life

Happiness isn't a one-time choice; it's an ongoing commitment. Choose Happiness Day is a day to get started on the journey of changing your mindset and changing your life. By cultivating a positive mindset, practicing gratitude, and making kindness a part of your daily life, you can create a happier and more fulfilling existence. So, let's celebrate 'Choose Happiness Day' with enthusiasm and start on a journey that will change your life.



From the Editor, Patti Jewel

Patti Jewel is an author, creator, entrepreneur, small business consultant, advocate for single parents, beautiful beaches, and finding unity through holidays. She has created inspirational, food, fun and awareness holidays for over 25 years and has written about and promoted holidays that bring people together and unite people in a shared passion. 


Last Edited January 22, 2024


Choose Happiness Day: Embracing Happiness as a Choice
Daily Holiday
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