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Juneteenth is now a U.S. Federal Holiday - But there are still State Confederate Holidays

Why are some states still celebrating Confederates?
Juneteenth is now a U.S. Federal Holiday
Body First

President Biden signed the Juneteenth National Independence Day Act and made the day a federal holiday. The law was immediately enacted just in time for the June 19th to be celebrated in 2021, only 156 years after the emancipation was announced in Texas in 1865.

This amazing progress in humanity shows that while it may take time, we are capable of moving forward opening our hearts and minds to progress of equal rights and liberty for all. 

As we celebrate Juneteenth, let's take a look at some of the holidays still being celebrated that continue to hold us back. 

Check this list here: Many States Still Continue to Celebrate Confederate Holidays

There are some states that still celebrate confederate days. And while it is not known by most people because these are not typically publicized celebrations in some of the states, they do still exist on the states holiday list. Some states are removing the "official" confederate holidays while keeping them as "special" holidays. There are also communities within the states, including some states that are not listed, that still celebrate these days as "special" or "historical". 

And while there has been attention given to the statues of these confederates, we feel it's time to raise awareness for the removal of these holidays.

No where else in history, are the losers celebrated quite so fondly. Confederate Heroes, Heritage & Memorial Days are celebrated in 9 of the states. Robert E. Lee is celebrated in 8 of the states. Jefferson Davis is celebrated in 4 of the states. Click here for the complete list of U.S. State Confederate Holidays. 

Robert E. Lee

Let's look at Robert E. Lee for a moment. He may have been a good leader, his ancestors may have promoted his after Civil War history to showcase his popularity among his supporters and his empathy for slaves. He, like most leaders of the day, had both victories and defeats. But he was part of the rebellion AGAINST the U.S. His final defeat was the loss of the Civil War, his inditement and loss of rights in the U.S. at the time. He was pardoned with other confederates as he continued to lead in his role as president of a College. 

And it is curious that he was a Virginian, a state that does not celebrate him. The 8 states that do, have no connection to him or his home or any accomplishments. Robert E. Lee even agreed in his years after the war that he should not be memorialized

Jefferson Davis

Jefferson Davis was the President of the Confederate Army. The leader of the rebellion against a United Nation. Again, they lost. He was a known proponent of slavery. Why are we celebrating him?

We became a United Nation. We should be celebrating those who united us and not those who tried to keep us divided and lost. 

So Many Others to Celebrate Instead

In the spirit of holiday celebrations, perhaps looking at people in history who inspired positive change should be celebrated. There are so many men and women in history who have done so much more for humanity and progress who deserve to be remembered and celebrated. The confederates have no place in our holidays or celebrations. And these dates need to be removed. Instead, let's consider holidays celebrating, not just political leaders and activists, but those who have made an impact on the state and the people who live there. 



Juneteenth is now a U.S. Federal Holiday