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Just Do It! An Inspired Message and Day to Celebrate!

Just Do It! An Inspired Message and Day to Celebrate!
Body First

Inspiration Holiday - Just Do It Day 

One of the hardest things to do in life sometimes is to just get started and do the thing you have been wanting to do. 

As a consultant and mentor for interns and entrepreneurs, I have seen so many just procrastinate, make excuses, try to make sure everything is right and perfect and that they are in a perfect place to take action. It is one of the hardest things for most people to do after the new year or anytime when you set your goals, is to just get started. 

A slogan that has inspired my life is the simple phrase "Just Do It". Nike set the phrase as their slogan in 1988 and this universal call to action transcended the realm of sports and athletics. 

Just Do It Day - January 24

Establishing Just Do It Day to celebrate this motivational phrase is a reminder 4 weeks into the new year to look to this "Just Do It" philosophy and propel yourself forward. 

Embracing the Power of Action

"Procrastination is the thief of time," as the old saying goes. It's easy to delay tasks, make excuses, and avoid taking action. However, "Just Do It" reminds us that the key to success lies in embracing action. Instead of overthinking and worrying about the outcome, taking that first step is often the most challenging yet rewarding part of any journey. By shifting your mindset from hesitation to action, you unlock your full potential.

Overcoming Fear and Doubt

Fear and self-doubt are common obstacles that prevent us from pursuing our goals. The "Just Do It" mentality encourages you to face these fears head-on. It reminds you that even if you encounter setbacks, you are capable of learning and growing from each experience. The act of doing, even in the face of uncertainty, can diminish fear and build self-confidence.

Breaking Tasks into Smaller Steps

Sometimes, large projects or life goals can seem overwhelming. The "Just Do It" approach encourages us to break these tasks into smaller, more manageable steps. By focusing on one step at a time, we can make progress and gradually move closer to our ultimate objectives. This not only makes the journey less daunting but also increases our chances of success.

Maintaining Consistency

Consistency is a crucial element of achieving long-term goals. The "Just Do It" philosophy emphasizes the importance of regular effort. It's not about sporadic bursts of action, but rather the dedication to making steady progress. This consistency is what separates those who achieve their dreams from those who don't.

Finding Passion and Purpose

To truly embody the "Just Do It" spirit, it's essential to align your actions with your passions and purpose. When you're passionate about what you're doing, it becomes easier to find the motivation to take action. Whether it's in your career, personal life, or hobbies, pursuing what you love is a surefire way to stay committed and resilient.

Learning from Failure

Failure is an inevitable part of life, but "Just Do It" encourages us to view it as a valuable teacher. Each setback offers an opportunity to learn, adapt, and grow. By adopting this perspective, you can turn failures into stepping stones toward success.

In a world filled with distractions and endless to-do lists, "Just Do It" has become a mantra for motivation and productivity that helps you overcome procrastination and start achieving your goals. Celebrate Just Do It Day and get started, move forward and Just Do It!


From the Editor, Patti Jewel

Patti Jewel is an author, creator, entrepreneur, small business consultant, advocate for single parents, beautiful beaches, and finding unity through holidays. She has created inspirational, food, fun and awareness holidays for over 25 years and has written about and promoted holidays that bring people together and unite people in a shared passion. 


Last Edited January 20, 2024
Just Do It! An Inspired Message and Day to Celebrate!