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Stronger Together Day: Inspiring Unity

Stronger Together Day
Body First

"Stronger Together" is not just a phrase; it's a powerful mantra that encapsulates unity, collaboration, and the belief that together, we can achieve more. It gained popularity as the campaign slogan for Hillary Clinton during her run for the presidency in 2016 and since then has become a powerful slogan for many groups and organizations. For millions of people, the slogan brought and continues to bring inspiration. As such, it definitely deserves a day to celebrate where we can appreciate, remember and continue to stay strong through strength in numbers. 

Inspirational Holiday - Stronger Together Day - October 26

Stronger Together Day is a day to celebrate unity and inclusion. Observed on Hillary Clinton's birthday for her inspiration and powerful message that has resonated across our culture. 

By remembering and continuing to be inspired by unity, we celebrate Stronger Together Day. This day is not about taking sides in the political spectrum. This day is about bringing sides together, standing together, and showing strength as a people who care about each other and come together to achieve and grow.

It is about bringing people of different beliefs, backgrounds, cultures together as inclusive citizens of our nation. It is about coming together to support a cause, create awareness, or make a difference. 

Celebrate Stronger Together Day with a Call to Action

Stronger Together Day serves as a call to action for each of us. It reminds us of our collective responsibility to foster unity, diversity, and inclusivity. Celebrate Stronger Together Day by choosing to embrace this message and taking action. Seek common ground, practice active listening and strive to understand other perspectives, promote inclusivity, and collaborate.

Stronger Together is a powerful slogan that reminds us of the strength in unity, diversity, and inclusivity. On Stronger Together Day, embody the principles of Stronger Together in your life and contribute to a more harmonious and productive society that can tackle challenges and create a better future for all.


Hillary Clinton's Inspiration

While half of you reading this are likely not fans of Hillary Clinton, for me, she has been an inspiration. I'm not very political, but as a strong woman, I admire strong women. I would ask you to take a moment and step away from everything you've heard about her and look up her biography.

She is a strong woman dedicated to helping others. She has been strong through conspiracy theories and hate propaganda against her. She stands up for herself but also relates to what people expect and finds middle ground. During the 2016 election, I felt good that we finally had a woman as a Presidential candidate and that our country was moving forward. Then knocked down by the fact that it is a slower process and more hurdles are yet to come. I support and am inspired by strong women like Hillary Clinton, and her Stronger Together message resonated millions of women across the globe. This day is dedicated to her. 



From the Editor, Patti Jewel

Patti Jewel is an author, creator, entrepreneur, small business consultant, advocate for single parents, beautiful beaches, and finding unity through holidays. She has created inspirational, food, fun and awareness holidays for over 25 years and has written about and promoted holidays that bring people together and unite people in a shared passion. 


Last Edited October 23, 2023


Stronger Together Day
Daily Holiday
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